Grow Your Professional Network: Events and Conferences for Working with a Turnaround Consultant

Are you looking to expand your professional network and learn more about working with a turnaround consultant? Attending industry events and conferences is a great way to meet colleagues from all over the country and explore new topics.

Grow Your Professional Network: Events and Conferences for Working with a Turnaround Consultant

Are you looking to expand your professional network and learn more about working with a turnaround consultant? Attending industry events and conferences is a great way to meet colleagues from all over the country and explore new topics and ideas that will make you a more well-rounded professional. The National Turnaround Management Association (NTMA), Turnaround Management Association (TMA), International Association of Turnaround Professionals (IATP) and American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI) all host annual conferences that offer professional development and networking opportunities with like-minded professionals. These three-day events provide a unique opportunity to connect with new and veteran inspectors, as well as operators. At these conferences, you can gain valuable insights into the industry and make valuable connections that can help you grow your career.

You'll have the chance to hear from keynote speakers, participate in panel discussions, attend workshops, and network with other professionals in the field. The NTMA conference focuses on the latest trends in turnaround management, including financial restructuring, operational restructuring, and corporate governance. The TMA conference also covers these topics, as well as the latest trends in bankruptcy law and practice. The IATP conference focuses on the latest trends in turnaround management, while the ABI conference focuses on bankruptcy law and practice. Attending these conferences is a great way to stay up-to-date on the latest trends in turnaround management and to network with other professionals in the field.

By attending these events, you can gain valuable insights into the industry and make valuable connections that can help you grow your career.